Omega-3 Fatty Acids – Everything You Need to Know

Are you missing out on the powerful benefits of omega-3 fatty acids? As registered dietitians, clients often come to us asking questions about certain nutrients and where to get them. 

Omega-3 is so important in your diet because it aids in reducing inflammation, enhances recovery, and supports heart health, brain function, and overall health. 

Many Americans aren’t getting enough omega-3 fatty acids through diet alone. Additionally, sorting through the different types and where to get them can be confusing.

While omega-3 supplements are growing in popularity, how do you know if they are right for you? We answer that and more below. 

Let’s dive in!

Looking for more evidence-based nutrition content? If you haven’t already, make sure to check out my blog on how much protein you really need next!

What are Omega-3 Fatty Acids? 

Confused about omega-3 fatty acids? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Join us as we dive into an explanation of what they are and the three different types. 

Omega-3s are polyunsaturated fatty acids that have various health benefits. They’re considered essential, which means that you can only get them by consuming them in your diet; your body can’t make them on its own. 

There are 3 types of omega-3 fatty acids: 

  • ALA
    Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) is unique because your body can partially convert ALA into the other two forms of omega 3s: EPA and DHA. It’s mainly found in plant sources such as chia seeds, walnuts, hemp seeds, and flax seeds.
  • EPA
    Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) is more commonly found in animal sources such as fatty fish. It’s well known for being anti-inflammatory and supporting cardiovascular health.
  • DHA
    Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is again found in fatty fish. It’s known for supporting brain function.

You might be wondering “what’s the best type?” but that’s not necessarily the case. It’s important to get a good balance of all 3 types of omega-3s.

The best way to get omega 3s is through the diet, but supplementing can be helpful too. We’ll talk about when that’s the case later in the article. 

Health Benefits of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Ready to optimize your well-being from the inside out? Discover the wide range of health benefits and start feeling your best: 

  • Heart and cardiovascular health

Regular consumption of omega 3s, particularly DHA and EPA, can lower blood pressure, decrease inflammation, reduce triglyceride levels, and prevent the formation of blood clots. 

The relationship between omega-3s and heart health has been studied extensively. It has been shown to be associated with a reduced risk of: 

DHA is an important building block for the brain. It’s essential for the development and function of the brain, especially during early childhood and pregnancy.  

Adequate intake of DHA has been shown to improve: 

  • Cognitive performance
  • Memory 
  • Age-related cognitive decline
  • Inflammation and recovery

Omega-3s are great for recovery from physical activity! They help the body’s inflammatory response to exercise, which can lead to a shorter recovery time and quicker muscle repair. 

They also help with chronic inflammation and can help prevent other chronic conditions like: 

  • Heart disease
  • Diabetes
  • Certain cancers
  • Autoimmune conditions

They are especially important for athletes. If you’re into strength training or endurance exercise, omega-3s can help you recover so much quicker! 

Another helpful supplement for athletic recovery is collagen powder. Make sure to check out my full article on collagen supplementation here!

The benefits discussed above are just a small portion of the amazing benefits these essential fatty acids provide. Keep reading to see how you can get them through your diet! 

Dietary Sources of Omega-3

After reading this article, I hope you are more convinced that you should be prioritizing your omega-3 fatty acids. Now let’s talk about the best ways to get them. 

Here are the most common sources of omega-3s: 

  • Fatty fish: Salmon, mackerel, sardines, trout, tuna
  • Flaxseeds
  • Walnuts
  • Chia seeds
  • Hemp seeds
  • Soybeans
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Spinach
  • Omega-3 fortified foods: some eggs, milk, or bread 

As you can see, there aren’t a ton of dietary sources which can make it difficult. The easiest way to get a high amount of omega-3s is through fatty fish and nuts/seeds. 

Tips for incorporating these foods into your diet: 

  • Walnuts: Use walnuts as a simple afternoon snack. They’re great to grab and go and won’t make a mess! 
  • Fortified products: Choose eggs, milk, yogurt, or bread that are fortified with omega-3s for an extra boost.
  • Fatty fish: Aim to include fatty fish in your meals twice a week. Pair with your favorite vegetable, whole grains, or salad.
  • Chia or flax seeds: Blend them into your smoothies or sprinkle on your oatmeal or cereal. 

By incorporating a variety of these foods into your diet, you’ll be supporting your overall health and on your way to feeling your best! 

Should You Take Omega-3 Supplements? 

You might be wondering if you should be supplementing omega-3 fatty acids or if it’s good to take omega-3 supplements every day.  

I’ll start by saying that when it comes to supplements, food should come first, and you should always consult with a dietitian or healthcare professional before taking any new supplements. This is my golden rule!  

However, there may be some cases when supplementing with omega-3 may be beneficial.

  • Limited fish consumption

If you’re vegetarian/vegan or don’t enjoy consuming fish, a supplement may be a good idea for you.

  • Specific health conditions

Those with cardiovascular health issues, inflammatory conditions, or cognitive decline may also benefit from a supplement.  

  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women

Because omega-3s are essential for fetal brain development, supplementation may be recommended. 

  • Athletes

If you are an athlete and you find you’re unable to meet the omega-3 recommendations through diet alone, a supplement can help to get those muscle repair and growth benefits. 

Again, it’s important to never supplement blindly and always talk with a healthcare provider like myself before choosing to supplement.

The Bottomline

All in all, omega-3 fatty acids are great for overall health. Here are a few key takeaways from this article:

  • There are three essential types of omega-3s: ALA, DHA, and EPA.
  • Health benefits include heart health, inflammation reduction, cognitive function, and overall health. 
  • Dietary sources are mainly fatty fish and some nuts and seeds. 
  • Supplementation can be beneficial in certain circumstances, but it’s important to talk to a healthcare provider before starting a new supplement. 

Are you looking for long-term, sustainable solutions for your health goals? Are you tired of feeling restricted with your food choices and like you must “miss out” on life to achieve these goals?

If you answered yes to these questions, our 1:1 nutrition coaching services would be the perfect fit for you! We work together to develop a personalized plan to help you look and feel your best all while eating in a way that works for your body and lifestyle!


To learn more about our programs and apply today, head over to this link! 


How Much Protein Do You Actually Need?

As a dietitian, when working with clients, one of the most common areas of improvement that we work on is increasing protein intake. Why? The functions of protein are often misunderstood and protein often tends to be the least exciting macronutrient to a meal or snack. 

Many clients express concerns that protein will make them bulky, they think that only athletes need protein or they share they simply do not know how much protein they actually need. 

 Let’s discuss! 

Why Protein is Important

Protein is essential for life so no matter young or elderly, no matter male or female– you need protein! Protein is best known for the role that it plays in muscle growth and recovery. However because protein is made of amino acids it supports the immune system and basic bodily functions such as maintaining bones, skin, nails, and hair. It all helps with the production of hormones, enzymes, neurotransmitters, and other chemicals used by our body.  

How Much Protein Do You Need?

The US Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for adults is 0.8 g/kg, however, this recommended amount does not establish the ideal amount, rather it identifies the minimum intake needed to prevent malnutrition.  So how much protein do you need each day? There are many factors that are considered when determining how much protein someone needs.  While each person is unique there are recommendations that we can use as a jumping-off point or use to help us get a general idea of “how much” we need. 


Having the gram amounts is all well and good but HOW do you know if you are getting about how much you need?  Let’s discuss!  

  • Include a protein source in each meal, this includes breakfast!
  • When building your plate, aim for ¼-⅓ of your plate to be protein OR have about 1 palm size amount of protein.
  • Add high-protein foods to your snacks by looking for snacks that have 10g + of protein listed on the nutrition label.
  • Utilize protein supplements (drinks, bars, shakes)

Protein Meal Ideas


Have questions about how much protein you may need, how to increase protein or just need help with nutrition in general?
Just email